Registration opens September 5 for the 2023 Translation Bash to be held September 30.
NETA members attend free (must log in to website). There is a fee of $25 for nonmembers.
For the eighteenth successive year, interested linguists will gather to discuss in detail translations of an English-language source text that participants will have prepared in advance.
Happily there will also be Spanish>English and French>English reverse bash groups this year. The facilitators will guide discussion on a text of their choosing on a theme similar to that of the English-language text.
As was the case last year, we will be holding the bash via Zoom. This means that while the welcome and concluding activity will take place jointly, discussion of the bash text translation will take place in Zoom rooms. Our vice president and tech guru, Lesley, will play a major role for us all as she ensures technological flow for the day.
We already have facilitators in place for the English>Spanish, English>French and English >Portuguese groups as well as the Spanish>English and French>English groups. We would love to have groups working into other languages, but the number of registrants and their language combinations will determine which groups will materialize. Since those groups tend to be relatively small, they generally function without a facilitator.
If you register for a language combination other than one of the five listed above, we suggest you invite others who work in your combination to register as well. You are very welcome to join a group that will translate into either your first or second language in order to practice your skills with no pressure.
To participate in the bash:
a) Mark the date on your calendar;
b) Sign up for this event by clicking the Register button to the left here;
c) You will receive the passage by email within the two weeks prior to the bash date. Please complete your translation before the bash date;
d) You will receive an invitation to the Zoom session no later than 6 pm the night before the bash. Click the link in the invitation email to attend the meeting on Saturday.
Then indulge in a free-wheeling, but focused discussion of the passage--just what we all love doing. After the session, all participants who have attended at least 75% of the meeting will receive a certificate of attendance you can use to apply for continuing education credits from your certifying entity or submit to your employer.
This event has been pre-approved by the ATA for three continuing education credits.