New England Translators Association
 A Professional Resource for Translators and Interpreters
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About NETA

The New England Translators Association is a professional organization of translators and interpreters with the following mission:

  • Advocate and promote the recognition of translation and interpreting as professions;
  • Protect and safeguard the interests of the professional translator and interpreter;
  • Formulate and maintain standards of professional ethics, practice, and competence;
  • Provide meetings, workshops, an annual conference, and other opportunities to increase skills and knowledge; and
  • Promote collegiality, networking, and cooperation among members.

Membership benefits include the following:

  • Free monthly meetings on topics of interest to translators and interpreters;
  • Active email discussion list;
  • Opportunities for remote participation in monthly meetings through electronic conferencing;

  • Individual listing on our website Services Directory;
  • Access to the Members Only part of this website;
  • Emailed job opportunities (thousands of dollars in projects and jobs announced);
  • Quarterly newsletter;
  • Reduced admission fee to annual conference;
  • Discount of 25% on Payment Practices list;
  • Use of NETA logo;
  • Networking opportunities, both in person and on LinkedIn and Facebook;
  • Seasonal social events;
  • Opportunities to get involved in programs to benefit translators and interpreters; and
  • Advance notice of ATA exams plus opportunities for practice.

There are no certification prerequisites for membership. Membership is open to anyone who is a practicing translator, interpreter, translation editor, or teacher, and to those interested in learning about the profession.

However, we do not have agency memberships. If you function as an agency, you must join as an individual, and at least 20% of your “translation-related” or “interpreting-related” income must come from your own translation, interpreting, editing, or teaching.

NETA board meetings are held four times a year, generally in September, January, March, and June. They usually start at 10:00 a.m. Final dates, times, location, and agendas are announced in advance via email. All active NETA members are welcome to attend.

The NETA Bylaws are available here.

Membership is for 12 months and costs $50. Membership is offered on a rolling basis. For more information, see Join NETA.

NETA’s goals for having a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, et al. are as follows, in order of importance:

1) to provide a forum for creating a community among our members and for facilitating communication
2) to advertise our presence to users of translation and interpreting services in the hopes of increasing job opportunities for our members
3) to increase membership

Getting Involved

Becoming a NETAn is a great way to get involved in the translation and interpreting community at the local level. We want to tap into your skills, specialized knowledge, and enthusiasm.

There are many ways you can contribute:

  • Help with behind-the-scenes planning for meetings;
  • Invite a speaker or present a program yourself;
  • Write an article for “NETA news”;
  • Help organize the annual conference;
  • Suggest dictionaries or favorite links for inclusion on the website; or even
  • Serve on the Board.

We welcome your ideas and volunteerism. Far from being a drain, commitment to realizing your interests within NETA can become a vital part of your strategy for networking and skills acquisition. It also is an opportunity to become involved with like-minded professionals.


New England Translators Association

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